Hello Friend, allow me to be transparent and real with you.

Ryan Angelo I’ve always had a strong sense of purpose and a frustratingly accurate intuition; I’ve always known I had some kind of mission.

However, as a kid I suffered quite a bit. I seemed to absorb other people’s negative thoughts and emotions like a sponge.

Home was loving and toxic. Stable and chaotic. Serene and nightmarish. I learned to be comfortable being uncomfortable. The unwelcome presence of alcohol and pharmaceuticals produced a Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde environment.

Anxiety and Fear seemed to be built into stability and survival. Confidence was assaulted. At the same time, my parents loved me and my siblings. They endevored to provide us with what we needed. They often went without in order so that we could have.

My dad is invincibly loyal and hard working. My mom is unfailingly giving to her loved ones. They are both loving and fundamentally good people. I have a lot of love and gratitude for my parents. But unhealed wounds get past on. Some wounds are dark and deep.

At school, I was smart. I got good grades without trying. But I couldn’t get out of my mind if put on the spot. I hated being asked to read out loud. My mind was like an invisible prison. Undiagnosed ADHD (which many light-workers have) leads to a complexly frustrating range of agonizing experiences.

I was very sensitive to energy. I didn’t want to hurt others so I attracted bullies. I felt hated for no clear reason. I dreaded each day. I escaped reality in my imagination or my ‘talks with God.’ Weight lifting and football were my saving graces.

And then football was removed. An injury in college took this last vestige of identify away from me. My ego fractured and broke. I contemplated suicide, but some part of me refuses to give up – it turns out that part was what I’ve come to call the Presence.

Presence. The core of Self. I felt this was a direct line to the Divine. I became obsessed over body-mind mastery. I went back to college to study psychology. I became a high-end personal trainer who incorporated as many training modalities as possible. I patiently acquired skills. I refined my method.

King Solomon was a huge influence for me; hence, I developed King Solomon Wealth Course.

I became successful. I worked with Fortune 500 Executives, consulted for billion dollar companies, conducted multitudes of workshops, and sat in VIP-Circles as their advisor. I became very skilled at helping people create shifts in their lives hence the Life Shift Course.

The combination of psychology, hypnosis, NLP, body-mind awareness, interpersonal dynamics, personality systems, conflict resolution, and stress-reduction allowed me to construct a very powerful toolkit for helping people access their Presence and Purpose.

I called it Alpha Influence. The ‘beginning point’ that ‘affects character, development, and values.’ I discovered later that this training comes from Archangel Michael and Lady Faith as a sort of codex for helping human beings master consciousness.


My work was positively impacting thousands of people. I looked happy. I had a sports car. I lived in a condo overlooking a lake. Life appeared good. I quietly wanted to die. Something was missing. There was a huge gaping hole. I ‘asked’ for a change.

Then, on 11/11/11, a sequence of impossible lead to the weirdest and most epic event in my life. On top of a mountain I was inducted into spiritual awakening. I was asked if I was ‘ready to accept my purpose as an angelic channel.’

Given the grandiose nature of the experience and a friend on the mountain with me (to verify I had not gone crazy and that, yes, it actually happened), I agreed. I suddenly knew the names of several Archangels and had a direct line of connection. I tried to force the process, but learned the process will not be forced.

In truth I thought I was going to be given a magical sword and super powers. No. My sports car was destroyed. My finances went crazy. My ‘true friends’ were were revealed as false friends and fell away. I then endured a ‘dark night of the soul’ that took five extremely painful years to pass through. I was assured it was ‘part of my training.’

I had an Anakin Skywalker student go Darth Vader, using what I taught him to manipulate and hurt many people. It tore me up; I felt responsible. Narcissism and ego-worship are seductive. Lesson: Don’t give a kid a ‘loaded gun.’ I was prideful; I thought I could compel him to use what I taught him to help others.

Next, Archangel Michael warns me that he is sending me to stay with ‘old friends.’ I didn’t know he meant dark-art practicing foes of many lifetimes. I was sent to live with a devouring mother whose skill in manipulation and wearing a mask would have been artistic if not so vampiric. Lesson: If it looks, feels, and seems like a spider’s web… it is. I made agreements I should not have.

I then landed in the home of a dark-shaman and a wrathful deception artist. It felt wrong to be there the whole time, but I was “Johnny-Rescue-Everyone.” I thought I was supposed to help them. They stole thousands of dollars, stole my huge crystal grid (who does that), and told an ocean of lies to attack me and my work. Lesson: You can’t help people who pretend to be asleep and are willfully ignorant. They only stole what I shouldn’t have given them in the first place.

The saddest part was I loved all of these people. Still do. I wish them all the best. I thank them for the lessons. Because not all of our teachers are love and light. Some of our teachers help us to heal by revealing where we are weak.

Thank You for the lessons. What’s Mine Is Mine; What’s Yours Is Yours.

The lessons were part of my ‘purification’ ritual. If you get exposed to a deadly virus and survive, you come out of it stronger and with some immunity to that virus.

These lessons were a sort of cure for my soul so I could be more effective as a conscious channel. And over these last number of years, I’ve worked with thousands of souls around the world. I have helped to reflect Divine Guidance. It’s amazing.

I was guided to create a remarkable strategy I call the “7 Paths of The Soul.” It has helped novices and spiritual veterans. It even helps people who are convinced nothing can help them. (I have a lot of fun testimonials about this).

Divine Truth is eternal. It is always helpful. And so this angelic and timeless strategy has empowered many people to navigate the craziness of the Spiritual Awakening process. It offers clarity when clarity is hard to find. Personally, I use it like a compass.

It’s amazing having angelic support. I experience continuous Divine Guidance from the ‘High Council.’ Its annoyingly accurate. Annoyingly accurate.

And I’ve seen enough personally and through my clients to KNOW that it isn’t made up. Angelic Support is real, strategic, and can help anyone. Just be mindful of tricksters.

All in all, we, each of us (even the frustrating ones), are sons and daughters of Divine Mom and Divine Dad. We’re all trying to find our way home (some a bit more reluctantly). And we, each of us, are a Divinely Conceived Purpose with Distinct Gifts and Magic (even if some resist and refuse who they truly are).

We live in a magical world filled with wonders. Magic is alchemical science we don’t fully know how to explain. The Unconscious and Eternal are much more vast than the conscious and temporal. There are many ways to reconnect with the Divine.

I’ve come to accept that we’re either skilled in Oneness and need to learn Autonomy – or we’re comfortable in our Autonomy and need to embrace Oneness.

Balance is key.

So I still like my occasional beer and playing video games.

Jai Ma, My Friend…
Ryan Angelo

My Promise is TRUTH

Truth. I offer only truth. I don’t deviate and I don’t compromise. And if I don’t know the answer – I say so. I choose my words with care.

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